Maybe it is all the yoga and meditation paying off, or I could just be getting older… or perhaps I am finally slowing down just a tiny bit. Whatever it is, I am finding more and more magic in my day-to-day life and it is amazing.
I feel as if my senses have been heightened. I am waking up to the beauty that is all around me and taking note of the little things–the light dancing off of a glass, the warmth of the sun shining on my face, the smell of someone baking treats in the apartment below. It is not that I didn’t notice these things before, I did. but I guess I noticed them more in a, “Wow, that sun feels really good on my cheeks but i better keep walking fast because I need to get these packages mailed at the post office and then get over to the grocery store and then get back to work and then and then and then…” sort of way. I was so busy doing all the “important” things I felt like I needed to do that I didn’t have time to deeply pay attention and experience life in the moment.
And now I am just making a point to pause more. To stop and really appreciate the little in between moments… like when I walked by the living room a couple of weekends ago while visiting my brother and saw him asleep on the couch after a day of skiing with my youngest nephew Hugh peacefully snuggled up on his chest.
(I couldn’t resist, isn’t he precious?!?)
Don’t get me wrong, I continue to over-task myself and run around all day working on a what seems like a million projects at once, but the difference is that when I happen to notice that gorgeous bloom on the plant in the window, I am taking the time to walk over and really examine its intricacies. And when I am walking to the post office and feel the sun warming my back through my thick down coat (it is still winter here in Wyoming!) I may continue walking, but I consciously devote a few seconds to stop running through my to-do list in my head and to simply soak in how good the sun on my back really feels.
And all these little moments are making my daily life even sweeter.